This solution article steps through how to turn on and connect to a hotspot on a iPhone or iPad to get internet connection for a laptop or desktop.
Please ensure the Blue Ethernet Cable is disconnected from your laptop or computer in order to connect to a Mobile Hotspot.
- Go to Settings on your iPhone or iPad.
- Choose Personal Hotspot.
- Tap the Allow Others to Join button to turn your personal hotspot on. It should look like the below. Take note of the Wi-Fi password as you will need this when connecting to the hotspot from your laptop or computer.
- Your hotspot is now active. To connect to the hotspot on your laptop or computer, open the Wi-Fi connections and look for your mobile device name and choose connect. When prompted enter the password that is set on your mobile device hotspot settings.
- When finished make sure you disconnect the Wi-Fi connection and turn the hotspot setting off.
Note: Once you are connected to Mobile Hotspot on your computer you will not be able to use internal applications such as ECM and Authority unless you are connected to a VPN (refer to solution articles for Global Protect).
• Using on a laptop:
• Using on an iPad or iPhone: